“You're so convinced you'll disappoint people if you show them that you're not perfect. You don't realize you are perfect. Your imperfections are what make you perfect. They make you you. That's what people love. It's what I love too.” my networktagboardcbox here. 250 X 200 .its all about usPrevious postSatu Ayat Makan Dalam :)My Bad Behaviour :( Budak Pelik --' Ceramah ♥ Lol :D - Untitled story - cikgu favret pinda :'( Ouh Eym Gee !! -,-' Barbie Princess Charm School 2011 Movie ^^ Windu umah eyna :') You The One :) advertisment |
written on Friday @ Friday, March 16, 2012 ✈{ 0 comments }
#abaikan gambar diatas . ermmm yela babai urm dadaaaaaaaa ermmm (kecewa) mnundukkan muke