“You're so convinced you'll disappoint people if you show them that you're not perfect. You don't realize you are perfect. Your imperfections are what make you perfect. They make you you. That's what people love. It's what I love too.”
my network
cbox here. 250 X 200 .
its all about us
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Aku Syg Kwn Aku :') Aku Benci Kamu !
Status now , My Parent are Full Of Doubt Dx
Yeay ! Kali nie baru lulus buat cheese tart ^^
Wey ! eyna ta rety buat cake Dx
Happy Birthday E-zack
#abaikan gambar diatas .
hey all :) nampak tak ...
Satu Ayat Makan Dalam :)
My Bad Behaviour :(
Budak Pelik --'
Ceramah ♥ Lol :D
written on Thursday @ Thursday, May 24, 2012 ✈{ 1 comments }
 hari tu , eyna tenga cite 'sumtink' yang buat eyna happy sangat2 malam tu , kat sab :)tetibe ade orang datang kelas , na jumpe budak pegi jambori , so eyna kua jap .balek2 je , sab ade buat cerpen . na tau ape die tulis , camne cite die ? do read it :) #sorry cuz ta bape na jelas --'
anies asri bole pulak jeles :P tetibe je bagi kat sabrina buku tebal and note watak n perwatakan :D
haha :D keyh2 , continue ur reading .
that'z all :) sorry if meloyakan , terlalu gedik , and buat korang menyampah .
bagi aku sweet . muehehe :3
written on Thursday @ Thursday, May 24, 2012 ✈{ 1 comments }
 hari tu , eyna tenga cite 'sumtink' yang buat eyna happy sangat2 malam tu , kat sab :)tetibe ade orang datang kelas , na jumpe budak pegi jambori , so eyna kua jap .balek2 je , sab ade buat cerpen . na tau ape die tulis , camne cite die ? do read it :) #sorry cuz ta bape na jelas --'
anies asri bole pulak jeles :P tetibe je bagi kat sabrina buku tebal and note watak n perwatakan :D
haha :D keyh2 , continue ur reading .
that'z all :) sorry if meloyakan , terlalu gedik , and buat korang menyampah .
bagi aku sweet . muehehe :3
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i'm alien
you are my bestfriend forever and ever
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